Musical Groups


We have a huge number of musical groups at Reigate Grammar School, and the variety on offer is mind-boggling, with new groups starting up on a regular basis. If there isn’t a group that suits your instrument and what you want to play, why don’t you talk to us about starting one up?!

Click on the links below for more information about our ensembles, choirs and bands, and click on the link on the left for a weekly schedule of when our major rehearsals take place.

Large orchestras and bands

Choirs and other singing groups

Smaller ensembles

Jazz and Rock bands

Other musical activities

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Extra-Curricular Music at RGS

There are Orchestras, Choirs, Ensembles and Bands of every size, type and level. Our ethos is to provide opportunities for as many of our musicians as we can. Click on the type of ensemble relevant to your instrument!